Expensing the Payroll Check

The descriptions appearing as the Payroll Expenses are taken from the ledger accounts assigned to system category 1882 'Payroll Expense'.

To add more payroll expense accounts, click Maintenance on the menu bar, click Ledger Maintenance and click System Categories. You will be adding the accounts to system category 1882 'Payroll Expense'. Refer to 'System Categories' for more information.

To change the description on an existing payroll expense account, click Maintenance on the menu bar, click Ledger Maintenance and click Chart of Accounts. Refer to 'Chart of Accounts' for more information.

Click in the Amount box for each applicable expense account and enter the amount withholding. As each withholding amount is entered, the Check Amt will be recalculated accordingly. When the check amount is correct, click the Save button.